All religions are essentially the same and all paths ultimately lead to God
1 Comment
Nov 15, 2022
There are millions of ways to do most things. However, by definition, there will always be only one BEST! Pray, asking God for his response to “all religions are essentially the same in all paths ultimately lead to God,” and then read the Bible, in the New Testament, in the book of John, in chapter 14, verse 6. There is only one way to God according to the Bible... If you still have questions, send a note to Tom.
There are millions of ways to do most things. However, by definition, there will always be only one BEST! Pray, asking God for his response to “all religions are essentially the same in all paths ultimately lead to God,” and then read the Bible, in the New Testament, in the book of John, in chapter 14, verse 6. There is only one way to God according to the Bible... If you still have questions, send a note to Tom.